The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo PD Survey: Residents Feel Safe, Believe Crime is Increasing

A majority of Amarillo residents feel safe in Amarillo, while also believing that crime is increasing in Amarillo.

According to a new survey from the Amarillo Police Department, a majority of respondents said that they feel safe in Amarillo. Around 70 percent of residents state that the feel safe in Amarillo, versus around 15 percent, stating that Amarillo's is unsafe or "very unsafe."

Meanwhile, a majority of respondents stated that crime is increasing in Amarillo. Around 60 percent of respondents stated that crime is either increasing or "significantly" increasing in Amarillo. Meanwhile, around 30 percent of respondents stated that crime is stable in Amarillo and around 10 percent believe that crime is decreasing in Amarillo.

A large number of respondents remained neutral on service issues in the survey, while also stating that APD officers were professional or helpful. A plurality of respondents also stated that investigators did not fully investigate cases in 2017, while stating that investigators were helpful.

Around 20 percent of respondents overall stated that the APD's service is poor or "extremely" poor. Around 57 percent stated that service was better than average, with the remaining percentage stating that service was average.

The most common suggestion for improvement at APD was the suggestion of more personnel and training, followed by enforcing laws and general improvements.

For full survey results, please visit

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