The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo Students Participate in 'March for Our Lives'

A group of Amarillo teenagers and some older Amarilloans who are young at heart gathered at the Potter County Courthouse on Saturday for a 'March for Our Lives' rally.

Many students and residents showed up on Saturday morning to the Potter County Courthouse to take part in the march that was coinciding with other marches going on nationally. The common theme for all of the marches was new gun safety measures, with the initial national march being organized by survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

Residents participated in a march and then held an event on the Courthouse lawn, where speakers and booths were set up.

Some high-profile local residents showed up for the event to take part in the March or to support students taking part in the march. Among those spotted at the event was Amarillo Independent School District trustee John Betancourt.

A voter registration drive also took place at the event. It is unclear how many students registered to vote during the demonstrations.

Photo by Renea Dauntes

Photo by Renea Dauntes

Overstreet Endorsed by Amarillo Taxpayers PAC

Pirtle Named Professor Emeritus at Amarillo College