The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Amarillo Residents Gather for Women's March

Local residents gathered for the Amarillo Women's March on Saturday.

The event was attended by several members of the community. According to a Facebook page which was set up for the event, the event was aimed at being non-partisan. Further, the Facebook page said of the event, "It's not just women! It's a pro-equality civic action..."

The march began at 12:30pm on Saturday at Elwood Park. Marchers then marched to the Potter County Courthouse. Participants were encouraged to bring friends, pets, signs and noisemakers.

Marchers marched for a total of 1.8 miles.

Community reaction was mixed for the march, with some praising the event and others criticizing of the event. KAMR reported that in total, about 700 people showed up to participate in the march.

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