The Amarillo Pioneer

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Straus Announces Retirement as Texas Speaker

Joe Straus has announced his retirement as the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

In a statement today, Straus, the longest-serving speaker in Texas history, announced that he would not be returning to the Texas House of Representatives in 2019. Straus cited that he could make a greater impact outside of the chamber than he currently can as speaker.

Following Straus' announcement, Representative John Zerwas, a Straus supporter, announced that he would be running to replace Straus in 2019. Representative Phil King has also announced his intention to run for Straus' seat.

Locally, Representative Four Price has been floated as a potential Straus replacement. Price has been a supporter of Straus and was partially propelled to victory in his fierce 2010 Republican Primary fight with support from Straus allies.

Straus has served as Texas Speaker since 2009.

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