The Amarillo Pioneer

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Endorsement: Slocum Right Choice for Conservatives in RRC GOP Primary

Slocum/Photo by Campaign

By Amarillo Pioneer’s Publisher’s Committee

In the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner, five Republicans will be on the ballot seeking their party’s nomination for one of three seats on the state’s energy regulation board for the next six years. Incumbent Wayne Christian is facing three challengers in this year’s election: Tom Slocum, Jr., Sarah Stogner, and Dawayne Tipton.

A fifth candidate, Marvin “Sarge” Summers, passed away before the start of voting, but will remain on the ballot.

Among the candidates, all three challengers have been running very active campaigns this cycle against Christian, who is seeking a second term on the board. While Christian has done the job for six years, we recommend voters pick a new elected official to represent them on the Railroad Commission for the next six years who can bring a working knowledge of the energy industry to the table, as well as a conservative outsider’s approach to the current way of doing business in Austin.

Tom Slocum, Jr. is 38-year-old energy consultant from the Houston area running to bring a new approach to the Railroad Commission. Slocum is deeply concerned about recent fee increases passed on to Texas consumers by the Railroad Commission and is also dedicated to finding ways this entity can help alleviate property tax bills for Texans.

Additionally, Texas taxpayers should rest easy knowing that Slocum has a special focus on rising government debt in Texas and is a major proponent of banning taxpayer-funded lobbying in Texas and ensuring such practices never materialize into higher fees and tax rates for Texas energy consumers.

Our publisher’s committee also gave special consideration to Tipton, but found Slocum to be the best suited candidate to advance conservative priorities on the Railroad Commission at a time when the Commission most recently lost its most conservative member in Ryan Sitton and has since been stagnating at the hands of establishment politicians.

At a time when debt, taxes, and fees are skyrocketing in Texas, only one candidate has the right plans to put Texas taxpayers back in the driver’s seat.

We recommend Tom Slocum, Jr. for Texas Railroad Commissioner in the March Republican primary election.

Early voting runs February 14-25. Election Day is March 1.

Please note: A publisher’s committee endorsement does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Amarillo Pioneer’s advertisers or staff. An endorsement of one candidate in a primary does not represent a criticism of other candidates running unless otherwise stated. Endorsements may be offered in additional primary races.

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