The Amarillo Pioneer

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Suspect Arrested in Connection with Robbery Investigations, APD Reports

Amarillo Police are reporting that an arrest was made during a robbery investigation in the 4000 block of South Crockett on Friday, September 27th.

According to APD, officers were on call in the 4000 block of South Crockett early on September 27th when gunshots were heard to the north of the area. Officers checked the area and saw a male peek out of an alley between the 3600 block of Milam and Hawthorne and then run away. When officers drove down the alley, the male was no longer seen. Officers soon found the man in the back yard of a residence in the 3600 block of Milam after driving to the access road.

The subject ran from officers, getting onto a rooftop and running along rooftops to the north. The officers pursued the subject and was caught in a side yard of a residence on South Milam. The suspect was identified as Dustin McClure, 31. APD reports the suspect resisted arrest and tasers were deployed, both being ineffective. McClure was eventually put under arrest and APD reports that officers found the suspect to be in possession of knives, wallets, and several pieces of identifying information that did not belong to him. Authorities believe the items were from at least two unreported auto burglaries in the 2700 block of Shadow Court and the 5300 block of South Milam.

The suspect was charged with resisting arrest, evading arrest or detention, fraudulent use of possession of identifying information, and burglary of a vehicle. McClure was booked into the Randall County Jail.


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