The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


AISD to Fill Board Vacancies Next Week

Amarillo Independent School District trustees will pick two candidates to fill vacant seats on the school board next week.

According to Amarillo ISD, on Tuesday, July 30th, the board will meet to select replacements for John Ben Blanchard and Renee McCown, both of whom recently resigned from the board. Six finalists have already been tapped, so the replacements will likely come from that small field.

As we have previously reported, the field of finalists includes Debra McCartt, Kayla Mendez, John Betancourt, Bradley Phillips, Claudia Stuart, and David Nance. Interviews were conducted with the candidates in executive session earlier this week.

The meeting will begin at 6:00PM in the Amarillo ISD Education Support Center.

Photo by AISD

Photo by AISD

Rosser's Ramblings: 80's Movies - Part Two

Amarillo Police Investigating Northwest 20th and Ong Shooting