The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Tom Warren to Face Sauer in Place 3 Rematch

Eddy Sauer entered Friday with no challengers for his Place 3 City Council seat, and left with two by the end of filing.

On Friday, businessman Tom Warren II filed to run for the Place 3 seat on the Amarillo City Council. Warren also sought the seat in 2017, coming up short against the now-incumbent Sauer. Warren is the publisher of the Amarillo Pioneer and owner of several vintage auto companies.

Meanwhile, Warren wasn’t the only candidate to claim his spot in the Place 3 race. As we previously reported, Brad Torch had announced his intentions to file, and claimed his spot on the ballot Friday afternoon.

Voters will decide this contest on May 4th.

Photo by Warren Campaign

Photo by Warren Campaign

Five Seeking Seats on Amarillo College Board

Kip Claps Back: Billups to Take on Nelson in Mayoral Contest