The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Lubbock Commissioner Reduces His Salary

One Lubbock County Commissioner has chosen to reduce his salary.

According to a report from KCBD-TV in Lubbock, Commissioner Jason Corley signed an affidavit this week, reducing his salary to $57,600 from the approved rate of $79,985. The reduction comes as Corley criticized the Commission’s decision to increase their own salaries in 2014.

Additionally, Commissioner Chad Seay told the television station that he plans to keep a $4,800 stipend for precinct travel expenses, instead of taking the full salary. Seay also reportedly plans to control some money in a separate account, and make donations to Lubbock charities.

Amarillo EDC Hosting State of the Economy Event This Week

Amarillo Authorities Seek Information on Church Burglary