The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Potter County to Consider Approving Tax Increase Next Week

A tax increase may be coming for Potter County residents next week.

On Monday, September 24th, Potter County Commissioners will consider approving a property tax increase for local taxpayers. Currently, taxpayers in Potter County are paying a rate of $0.670000 per $100 valuation. If the increase is approved, taxpayers will be pay a rate of $0.68500 per $100 valuation.

Also, on Tuesday, Commissioners will consider approving an order for the Potter County Sheriff to take possession of one or more vehicles on loan from the U.S. Marshall’s service. Commissioners will additionally consider approving orders related to the 2018 November election.

The meeting will take place at 9AM on September 24th in Room 106 of the Potter County Courthouse (500 South Fillmore).

Local Democrats to Host Candidate Fundraiser

Cruz, O'Rourke Meeting for First Debate Friday