The Amarillo Pioneer

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Blackburn, Farren to Debate Death Penalty at WTAMU

A major debate will occur at West Texas A&M University on Tuesday night when a well-known lawyer debates a district attorney on the death penalty.

At 6:30pm on Tuesday night, attorney Jeff Blackburn will debate Randall County Criminal District Attorney James Farren at the Jack B. Kelley Student Center Legacy Hall on the WTAMU Campus. Blackburn, of the Blackburn and Brown Law Office, will represent the against side, while Farren will represent the for side. Dr. Keith Price, a WTAMU professor, will be neutral in the debate. Dawn Jordan, a criminal justice instructor at WTAMU, will moderate.

This debate will mark the first time the death penalty has been debated at WTAMU since the early 2000s.

Admission is free.

Amarillo Weather (September 10-12)

Amarillo Boulevard Motel Fire Causes Evacuations