The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


City Council to Purchase Thermal Imaging Cameras

The Amarillo City Council will purchase thermal imaging cameras next week.

On Tuesday, August 21st, the Amarillo City Council will purchase thermal imaging cameras at a cost of $225,000. The purchase is being made to benefit the Amarillo Fire Department. Councilmembers will also consider voting to purchase a $133,000 pavement evaluation at Rick Husband International Airport.

The City Council will meet on Tuesday in the Council Chambers of Amarillo City Hall (509 Southeast 7th Avenue). The meeting will begin at 5pm.

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Amarillo Area Lane Closures (August 20, 2018)

AEDC Board to Talk Pay for Albrecht