The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


City Council Considering Approving Change to Organizational Structure

The Amarillo City Council is considering voting next week to approve a change to the City of Amarillo organizational structure.

According to an agenda posted to, the City Council is considering making a change to its leadership structure. Under the proposed, change the agenda states that the reporting responsibilities will be noted on the chart. The change would also form a new City department, Planning and Development Services, which would take responsibilities from Planning and Economic Development departments.

Also, on Tuesday, the City Council will hear a presentation from Amarillo Independent School District gifted and talented students and will consider the replacement of six existing canopies for passenger boarding bridges for the Airport.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 7th in the Council Chambers of Amarillo City Hall (509 Southeast 7th Avenue). The meeting will begin at 5pm.

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Using Amarillo Ordinance as 'Model,' Canyon Looks to Pass No-Camping Law

Amarillo Area Lane Closures (August 6, 2018)