The Amarillo Pioneer

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Delaney Taking on Trump in 2020: 'I'll Beat Him and It Won't Even Be Close'

John K. Delaney, a Democratic congressman from Maryland, made headlines last year when he became the first major candidate to join the race for the White House in 2020. Today, Delaney’s campaign is picking up speed, and the Maryland native believes its due to his plan to restore civility in Washington.

“I think the central issue facing this country is how deeply divided we are,” Delaney says. “I'm running to unify this deeply divided nation. I think we need to unify around a big agenda.”

Delaney says, if elected president, he will spend his first one-hundred days in office working with a bi-partisan team of legislators to pass legislation that is sought by members of both parties, but has not actually been passed. Delaney says it’s all part of his plan to unify around the big agenda.

Looking at the elephant in the room, Delaney says he believes he is the right candidate for voters who backed Donald Trump in 2016, because he believes he will deliver on promises to attract investment to communities across the nation.

“The President sold people a con in 2016,” Delaney says. “He rightly identified a lot of pain in our country and he promised to turn back the clock and bring back jobs and he hasn't done it. We need a plan for private investment to attract capital to our communities. We have a massive inequality opportunity gap in this country. I'm going to go to people and show them that I have a real plan.”

Overall, the Maryland congressman and businessman believes that he has the right skill set to take on Trump for the Democrats in 2020.

"I will build a coalition of a bunch of Democrats, Republicans and independents,” Delaney says. “I grew up in a blue collar family. My life story is a sharp contrast to [Trump’s] in a positive way. I'll beat him and it won't even be close.”

For information on Delaney and his campaign, please visit

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Meet the Libertarians Running for President in 2020