The Amarillo Pioneer

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Likely Voters Pick Cruz in CNN Poll

Senator Ted Cruz holds the support of a majority of “likely” voters in a new poll from CNN.

On Tuesday, CNN released a poll showing Cruz, a Republican, leading Democrat Beto O’Rourke in the race for the U.S. Senate, 52 percent to 45 percent. When the poll was changed to “all registered voters,” Cruz’s lead slimmed down, but still kept the Republican above a majority, 50 percent to 45 percent.

This poll did not include Libertarian Neal Dikeman as an option. Dikeman is the third and final candidate in the race.

The poll also measured support in the race for governor, giving Republican incumbent Greg Abbott a clear advantage. Among “likely” voters, 57 percent to 39 percent for Democrat Lupe Valdez. Both candidates stayed at an even margin among all voters measured. Libertarian Mark Tippetts was not included in that survey.

Editorial: Harman Won't Be Easy to Replace

Harman Resigns as Randall County GOP Chairman