The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Red Light Cameras: Contractual Service Fees Top $700,000

This is the first of an upcoming series of articles on red light camera in Amarillo, Texas.

Fees for red light cameras in Amarillo have been costing the City of Amarillo over $700,000 per year, according to new documents from the City.

In documents obtained by the Amarillo Pioneer, officials from the City of Amarillo's Traffic Department showed that in fiscal years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, the City's expenses for red light cameras topped $700,000. These expenses are only for contractual obligations by the City in regards to red light cameras.

The City brought in $1,083,352 in fiscal year 2014/2015 and $1,081,206 in fiscal year 2015/2016 from the cameras. In the end, after expenses, the City's take topped only $130,000 in profit for the first year and $124,000 in profit for the second year.

It is not clear what the contractual expenses for this fiscal year will be in regards to red light cameras.

Amarillo Weather (August 8-10)

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