The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


AC Board of Regents Passes Campus Carry

The Amarillo College Board of Regents has passed the proposed Campus Carry policy for AC campuses.

During last night's meeting, the Board of Regents voted by a margin of 4-1 to approve the policy. Regent Patrick Miller was the sole against vote on the policy. Several regents were not in attendance for the vote, including: Anette Carlisle, Dan Henke, Neal Nossaman and David Woodburn.

During the meeting, Amarillo College staff discussed with the board how the AC policy was created. According to Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, AC's policy is nearly identical to the policy which was enacted for West Texas A&M University. Dr. Lowery-Hart also stated that the facilities which will not allow concealed handgun carriers to carry are predominately facilities where children under the age of 18 years are the main constituents.

Amarillo College is not required to enact a "Campus Carry" policy until August of 2017. Under the law, Texas universities were required to enact a policy in August of 2016, while community colleges were afforded another year to draft the policy.

AC's policy will now head to the Texas Legislature where it will await approval.

Council OK's Four-Way Stop Sign

Kicker Arenacross Hits Amarillo on Saturday