The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Pioneer of the Year Voting Ends Next Week

Voting for Pioneer of the Year and the Pioneer Awards ends next week on

Readers of the Amarillo Pioneer have until December 15th to make their decisions on who should be the 2017 Pioneer of the Year. Readers also will decide a series of contests honoring local businesses that are outstanding in certain categories.

Winners will be announced on December 21st.

A link to voting can be found on

Voting is open here:

Nominees for Pioneer of the Year

James Allen

Amarillo ISD Trustee and City of Amarillo Community Development Director

John Betancourt

Amarillo ISD Trustee

Kip Billups

Founder of Amarillo Brown Bag Runs

Jeff Blackburn


Renea Dauntes

Community Volunteer

Steven Denny

Attorney, Volunteer Firefighter

Ed Drain

Chief of the Amarillo Police Department

Richard Havens

Director of Animal Management & Welfare

Rich Herman

Justice of the Peace

Walter Wendler

President of West Texas A&M University

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