The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Pioneer Readers Begin Voting on Pioneer of the Year Awards

Amarillo Pioneer readers began voting in the Pioneer of the Year awards survey over the weekend.

Over the weekend, many readers cast votes on who should be named the 2017 Pioneer of the Year. Immediately following the opening of the survey, hundreds of votes poured in, as readers hope to make their choices known.

For 2017, readers nominated people from many different fields in Amarillo. School board trustees, volunteers, judges, politicians, activists, artists and many other people were nominated. In addition, several local businesses are vying for Pioneer awards.

Voting is still happening on Winners will be announced on December 21st.

Zoning Board of Adjustment to Decide Lot Variance Request

Likely MPEV Contractor Donated to Nelson, Council Supporters