The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


8th Avenue and Lincoln Closes for Repairs

"Beginning Monday, Oct. 16, the intersection of 8th Avenue and Lincoln Street in downtown Amarillo will close for the installation of a storm water force main and water main. The closure will include 8th Avenue between Buchanan and Lincoln streets. Access to City Hall will be maintained by detouring from Buchanan Street and east along 7th Avenue to the southern parking lot. The closure and the related impact on traffic are expected to last until the beginning of November.

The City and its contractor would like to thank residents, businesses, and motorists in advance for their patience and understanding. For more information or questions concerning this project, please call the City of Amarillo’s Capital Projects and Development Engineering department at (806) 378-9334."

-City of Amarillo

City Hall Map.png

Rosser's Ramblings: Friday The 13th and Halloween

Amarillo Weather (October 12-14)