The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Amarillo Political Action Committee Reports Large Haul

Amarillo Matters, a recently formed Amarillo-based political action committee, is reporting a large fundraising cycle.

The committee filed a report with the Texas Ethics Commission, this week, reporting $150,680 in donations over the most recent six month cycle. This is a large increase from the committee's last report, in which the committee reported $1,000 in donations.

Amarillo Matters also reported $28,739 in expenses for the most recent cycle. This number is also larger than the last report's expenses, in which the committee reported about $78 in expenses.

Full Texas Ethics Commission reports, listing itemized expenses and donations, are currently unavailable for the PAC's recent report. The most recent available filing from the committee lists Andrew Hall as the committee's treasurer.

A Google search of the committee shows an active website,, and a Twitter page for the committee.

The Committee filed its latest campaign finance report on January 11th.

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