The Amarillo Pioneer

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Profile: (Republican) Monique Worthy, U.S. House District 13

Below are the unedited responses from Monique Worthy to the Amarillo Pioneer’s candidate questionnaire for 2020. Worthy is a Republican candidate for U.S. House, District 13.

Please note: Questions from the Pioneer are in italics and the candidate’s responses are in standard type.

Worthy/Photo by Campaign

Worthy/Photo by Campaign

What is your occupation?


What is your age?


What is your educational background? Please list any degrees earned, and institutions attended. You may also list any professional certifications.

Tulsa Job Corps

Is this your first time running for office? If not, please list which offices you have sought or held in the past.


If you have a website, Facebook, Twitter, or any other online campaign materials, please list the links below.

Why did you decide to run for office in 2020?

I felt a need to bring real change to congress. We always elect the college educated, sweet tongued, well spoken, military background, well funded, millionaire types to Congress. We need some regular people up in there who plans on bringing realness to the body. All those perfect candidates has gotten us, are very IMPERFECT results. We are in the situations we are in now because of the well to do types that we have been electing. I want to bring practical solutions to issues they seem to not know how to address.

What are your top three priorities, if elected?

Illegal Immigration
Funding our military
Totally reforming welfare

Do you plan to host town hall meetings in the district during your first term in office? Why or why not?

Absolutely! Because I love answering questions. I love challenges. I love hearing from regular people like myself. Town halls are a way to keep you involved and on your toes with the community.

Reader submitted question: Would you support new federal campaign finance reform legislation? Please explain.

YES! These campaign finance laws are ridiculous! You should have seen the BS I had to go through just to get this campaign up. It is ridiculous. Most people can't support you other than financially. So why make it harder for them to do so?

Do you support term limits? Please explain.

Yes. Not having term limits is what got us all these dinosaurs in congress who sometimes forget which way is left and which way is right.

Would you vote for any legislation that would prohibit the manufacturing, sale, use, ownership or carrying of firearms? Why or why not?

NO! Absolutely NOT. The prohibition of arms and additions to arms is to stop the criminals right? Well, so was making murder illegal. Yet, they still murder. The only way to stop an armed suspect is to be armed yourself. Prohibiting the sale, use of or ownership of firearms hurts nobody but the law abiding citizen.

Based on the information available to the public, would you have voted for the articles of impeachment against President Trump had you been in the House at the time? Please explain. 

Hell No! There was literally nothing there to impeach him on. Which is why neither one of the articles have been tied to any federal statutes. This is the democrats last ditch effort to try and salvage an election they bitterly lost in 2016. And had we had strong Republicans with backbones in congress before this congress, we would have never gotten to this point in the first place. Weak Republicans got us here.

With Rep. Thornberry leaving office, the district will be selecting its first new representative since 1995. Why do you believe you are the best equipped candidate to step into this role and represent all areas of the district, including rural communities and cities? 

I believe I am best to step into this role because I do come from the city and have family that live in the rural communities. And we all just want to be left alone and be able to keep what is ours. We have had military vets in congress, yet we still have veterans issues. We have had business owners in congress, yet we still have the same issues, we have had college graduates in congress, yet we still have the same issues. Let's get a regular American in congress someone who can see the problems from the outside looking in, because obviously those that were on the inside looking out could not see their own problems.

How will you work to advocate for and defend the agriculture community in Washington, if elected?

As the representative from an agricultural district, I will advocate for our communities by being as forceful on those issues as I will on anything else that I feel strongly about. Agriculture is what makes this district so great. I may not have a background in Agriculture but I know how important it is to us. Being strong and forceful on issues that matter to us is the only way you can advocate and defend such issues.

Reader submitted question: What should the U.S. Congress do to reduce the national debt? Please explain.

Get the federal government OUT of everything that was not originally its purview. That is education, healthcare, welfare, etc. Reforming and getting rid of a lot of this will bring a lot of reduction to the debt. And most importantly pass a balanced budget amendment.

Please explain what reforms Congress should enact, if any, regarding the healthcare system.

Completely getting rid of Obamacare, sending healthcare BACK to the states and getting themselves out of the equation.

Do you support President Trump's proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border? Please explain.

Yes. Stopping and or slowing down the transportation of drugs and illegal aliens to this nation will solve a lot of inner city problems. Most of inner city problems come from drugs. Drugs mostly come from across the border. And when illegal aliens come here, they are not going to the rich folk neighborhoods. They aren't going to the politicians neighborhoods. They are coming to regular folks like my hoods. And when they get here they take from us and our children, whether it be with education, welfare or healthcare, every dollar spent on them is one less dollar spent on us. So, the sooner we can stop that the better.

How will you work to ensure constituents can actively communicate with you about the issues, if elected?

I have a love for social media. I love engaging on social media. I also plan to hold town halls in EVERY county and city if I can, in the district at least once a year. Everyone is invited to attend. I will make it an every day ritual to call at least 10 members of my district every day. My staff will consist (if possible) of an individual from the largest cities of every county in the district. I also plan on having local assistants in every town who will have all my personal contact info.

Are you supported by any political action committees? If so, please list your PAC endorsements.

None that I know of.

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support in the 13th District?

Because I am the realest. I won't be bullied nor intimidated by the left. I won't be shut up or down by democrats or democrat-lite republicans. As the largest congressional and conservative district in the nation there is no reason why our next congressional representative should NOT be the loudest, most outspoken, most driven, most conservative, most determined, member of congress. I aim to be just that.

Profile: (Republican) Lee Harvey, U.S. House District 13

Profile: (Republican) Chris Ekstrom, U.S. House District 13