The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Profile: (Republican) Lee Harvey, U.S. House District 13

Below are the unedited responses from Lee Harvey to the Amarillo Pioneer’s candidate questionnaire for 2020. Harvey is a Republican candidate for U.S. House, District 13.

Please note: Questions from the Pioneer are in italics and the candidate’s responses are in standard type.

Harvey/Photo by Campaign

Harvey/Photo by Campaign

What is your occupation?

County Commissioner and Business Owner

What is your age?


What is your educational background? Please list any degrees earned, and institutions attended. You may also list any professional certifications.

No Degrees

Is this your first time running for office? If not, please list which offices you have sought or held in the past.

County Commissioner Wichita County

If you have a website, Facebook, Twitter, or any other online campaign materials, please list the links below.

Lee Harvey For Congress Facebook,

Why did you decide to run for office in 2020?

My constituents ask me to.

What are your top three priorities, if elected?

Pro Life, Border Security, Veterans affairs, Infrastructure projects in our district.

Do you plan to host town hall meetings in the district during your first term in office? Why or why not?

Yes, absolutely. The people need a voice. If they can't talk to their elected officials, then they don't have a voice.

Reader submitted question: Would you support new federal campaign finance reform legislation? Please explain.

If you are a common person and you want to run for office, it needs to be possible. Super Pac's can put you out of the race before you get started.

Do you support term limits? Please explain.

Yes, to many times we have politicians who go to Washington and never seem to get anything done. They stay so long and gain so much power, that when you want to get something done, you have to have their permission. They also get complaisant.

Would you vote for any legislation that would prohibit the manufacturing, sale, use, ownership or carrying of firearms? Why or why not?

Absolutely NOT!!! We are close to loosing our right to bare arms. If we don't stop the Left, we will be in a revolution.

Based on the information available to the public, would you have voted for the articles of impeachment against President Trump had you been in the House at the time? Please explain. 

No, He did not do anything wrong on the phone call. He did not withhold the money.

With Rep. Thornberry leaving office, the district will be selecting its first new representative since 1995. Why do you believe you are the best equipped candidate to step into this role and represent all areas of the district, including rural communities and cities? 

Supporting this district would be an Honor. I have been here with these people thru all the adversities they have faced, for my entire life. Nobody on this ticket has served these people like I have. I have been there when they needed help, and I gave my all to help them.

There is a long list of things I have supported for these people. To many to get into here. Lets talk at the event.

How will you work to advocate for and defend the agriculture community in Washington, if elected?

We are not just feeding America, we are feeding the world. The Farm Bill is vital to the existence of small farms. Mother nature has her own mind and if she wants she can kill every seed that is planted. If we do not subsidize our farmers with crop insurance they can afford, they could be forced out of business. We can't afford to loose our farmers, our nation depends on them.

Reader submitted question: What should the U.S. Congress do to reduce the national debt? Please explain.

We have got to stop spending money we do not have. We need to spend money on the most important things and do without the things we just want. Just like we do at home. If you can't afford cable TV, then don't get it. I know that is over simplified but that is the mentality we need to have.

Please explain what reforms Congress should enact, if any, regarding the healthcare system.

I have a list of policy ideas that should be helpful.
Tort Reform, Administrative regulatory reduction, Block Grants for States for Medicaid which include efficiency bonuses, high deductibles with tax advantages, health care savings accounts that put patients in control and increase skin in the game.

Do you support President Trump's proposal to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border? Please explain.

Yes I do. We have got to stop the drugs and terrorist from flowing freely into our country. People seem to think its ok to break our laws and inter our country whenever they want and sometimes they cause us harm. Open Borders would be the end of our country as we know it.

How will you work to ensure constituents can actively communicate with you about the issues, if elected?

Be accessible to them. If I elect someone to represent me and then can't tell them how I feel or what I think, then how will he know what I want him to do?

Are you supported by any political action committees? If so, please list your PAC endorsements.

Wichita County Professional Police Officers Association

Wichita Falls Professional Fire Fighters Association

Wichita County Board of Realtors

All 9 Volunteer Fire Departments in Wichita County

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support in the 13th District?

I am, and have always been for the people. My experience in life has helped make me strong and able to facilitate the right people together to serve the common good.
You have to start by listening and then go to work.

Profile: (Republican) Richard Herman, U.S. House District 13

Profile: (Republican) Monique Worthy, U.S. House District 13