The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo College to Host Virtual Job Fair

Amarillo College students who are interested in part-time employment opportunities on AC campuses are invited to take part in the Student Worker Virtual Job Fair from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19, via Zoom.

The Zoom ID number is 854 9741 8212, and students who are enrolled in at least 6 credit hours and maintain a 2.0 grade point average are eligible to interview for available jobs.

Taylor Bingham, coordinator of Career and Employment Services, says several departments on multiple AC campuses will be trying to fill a number of 20-hour-per-week vacancies during the virtual job fair – at the Child Development Lab School, the Advising Department, the Library, the Moore County Campus and more.

For more information about the Student Worker Virtual Job Fair, or the many services offered at AC’s Career and Employment Services, call 806-345-5641, or visit, where you can also find tips about preparing for a job fair.

-Amarillo College

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Seliger Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Publication Note for Thursday, August 13