The Amarillo Pioneer

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Jacob Hornberger Shows Laredo Libertarian Roots in Presidential Race

Hornberger/Photo by Campaign

Hornberger/Photo by Campaign

By Noah Dawson

This week, the Amarillo Pioneer will be bringing our readers interviews with a few of the candidates for the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination. The Libertarian Party will select its candidates for President and Vice President in a nomination vote this weekend and the party’s ticket will be one of four eligible to appear on the Texas ballot in November.

Throughout the campaign for the Libertarian Party nomination, Jacob Hornberger has stood as one of the frontrunners. He has built his campaign around a principled message of liberty and the creation of a free society. Hornberger has roots here in Texas, having been born in Laredo and having worked as a trial attorney in both Laredo and Dallas, though he has since focused his efforts on the Future of Freedom Foundation, a libertarian organization he helped create, which is currently based in Virginia.

“I just decided I wanted to take on Democrats and Republicans, the people who have destroyed our freedom in this country and our well being in a more direct way. I want to live in a free society, and I want everyone to live in a free society, and that’s why I entered this race.”

Though he mentioned that solving many of the issues that are inhibiting liberty would involve Congress, Horberger did mention several issues that could be done by the president. He mentioned his desire to “bring all the troops home,” “pardon all non-violent offenders,” and “rescind all executive orders that establish sanctions on foreign countries.”

As to how he plans to sell the message of liberty to voters, Hornberger says it’s a matter of “identifying what are the infringements on liberty, and then making the case for dismantling them.” He also highlighted the importance of focusing on “the racial bigotry of the drug war,” which was a focus of his campaign in the Libertarian Party’s North Carolina primary, which Hornberger won.

As for the future of the Libertarian Party, Hornberger focused on its role in spreading the message of the libertarian movement, saying that it “plays a critical role in the political arena of bringing that message of liberty and free markets and a limited government republic to the American people.”

For more information about Hornberger, visit

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