The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo City Council to Talk Police Department Remodel

Amarillo City Council members will consider voting this week to approve a remodel of the 7th floor of the Amarillo Police Department building downtown.

According to the City, on Tuesday, the Council will consider voting to approve the remodel project of the 7th floor at a cost of $862,511. The contract, if approved, will be awarded to Panhandle Steel Building, Inc. This project is a bond funded project, which was approved by voters as part of a 2016 public safety bond.

Also, during the meeting, Council will also consider voting to approve the 2019-2020 budget for the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation.

The meeting will be held at 1PM in the Council Chambers of Amarillo City Hall (601 South Buchanan). The meeting will be preceded by a noon public comment session.

For details, please visit

Amarillo Weather (August 26-28)

Trans-Siberian Orchestra to Rock Lubbock in December