The Amarillo Pioneer

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Texas GOP Chair to Amarillo Republicans: 'The Stakes Are Huge'

Texas Republican chairman James Dickey was in Amarillo on Thursday night, telling local voters to keep their eyes on the ball ahead of 2020.

In a presentation titled “Red Alert,” Dickey ran through what he sees as consequential issues for Texas Republicans ahead of 2020. Dickey made note that Democrats are nine seats away from claiming the Texas House and highlighted nine seats that Republicans won by narrow margins in 2018, saying the pressure is on for conservatives to retain the seats in 2020.

“Holy smokes, the stakes are huge,” Dickey said.

Dickey also mentioned that Texas Republicans must turn out to vote if President Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Dickey stated that even if Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania again in 2020, without Texas, there is “no path to victory” for the incumbent Republican. Dickey used the information as a rallying cry to excite Amarillo Republicans for the upcoming elections.

“Politics is a team sport,” Dickey said. “We have to get everyone going together and everyone on the same page.”

At the end of the presentation, Dickey briefly discussed future elections and also spoke about the most recent legislative session. Dickey said while none of the Republican Party’s legislative priorities were completely achieved, he feels progress was made on each item.

Before Dickey spoke, State Republican executive committeeman Tom Roller, Potter County Republican chairman Dan Rogers, and Randall County chairman Tim Revell all gave brief remarks.

Dickey/Photo by Campaign

Dickey/Photo by Campaign

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