The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Noah's Remark: Saturday's Election is About Constitutional Rights

By Noah Dawson

Saturday is election day, and it is more crucial than ever that we remember what's at stake.

A year ago today, I first spoke at a city council meeting, expressing my concerns about the current council's apparent disregard for constitutional rights.

This is a council that attempted to deny the right to record public meetings, have arrested people exercising their first amendment rights, and have threatened public safety by supporting an expansion of the red light camera program.

This election isn't about minor policy disputes. This election is about supporting our abandoning our rights.

Our city cannot afford to keep our current council in place any longer.

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Direct from Amarillo Matters: Council Incumbents Report PAC Contributions