The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


City to Host San Jacinto Plan Meeting

The City of Amarillo will host a San Jacinto Neighborhood Plan meeting next week.

On Tuesday, March 12th, the City will host a San Jacinto meeting at Heal the City (609 S. Carolina St.) The meeting will begin at 6PM.

During the meeting, City staff will be on hand to meet with residents and discuss future programs for the neighborhood. City staff’s main goal will be to “gather feedback and insight” with the goal of shaping the future of the neighborhood.

For information, please visit

City of Amarillo.png

Amarillo Weather (March 6-8)

O'Rourke Reportedly Meeting with Potential Campaign Managers