The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Seliger to Chair Agriculture Committee

Senator Kel Seliger has been moved to the head of a new committee.

On Friday, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick released a list of committee assignments for the ongoing legislative session. For Amarillo’s senator, Patrick moved Seliger off of the Higher Education Committee, and appointed the former Amarillo mayor as the new head of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Taking Seliger’s place on the Education committee will be Brandon Creighton.

Meanwhile, Patrick also appointed Seliger to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Senate Nominations Committee, and the Senate Veterans Affairs & Border Security Committee.

House appointments are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.



Amarillo Area Lane Closures (January 18, 2019)

Hays Seeking Re-Election to Amarillo City Council