The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Sod Poodles to Name Stadium After Ex-Amarillo Mayor

It’s Hodgetown.

On Thursday, Amarillo Professional Baseball announced the controversial downtown ballpark will be named “Hodgetown” when the team begins play there in April. The name is meant to honor former Amarillo mayor Jerry Hodge. Hodge, a local pharmacist, has been credited with being one of the driving forces behind securing a minor league baseball team for the ballpark.

Hodge served as mayor of Amarillo from 1977 through 1981. Hodge also made another attempt at the mayor’s job later, but was defeated in that contest. Hodge also served on the Amarillo City Commission from 1973 through 1977.

Hodge/Photo by AISD

Hodge/Photo by AISD

AHS Volleyball Coach Resigns Amid 'Parent's Political Pressure'

Bushland ISD Sees No Filed Candidates for Upcoming Election