The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Local NAACP to Host Martin Luther King, Jr. March

The Amarillo Branch NAACP will be hosting a march and program to honor the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. this month.

On Monday, January 21st, the NAACP will host a march beginning at Martin Luther King Jr. Park (1501 West Amarillo Boulevard), beginning at 10am. The march will end at 11:30am at the Potter County Courthouse, where a program will be held at noon to honor King. Those unable to attend the march, are invited to meet at the Potter Courthouse for the noon program.

Participants, performers, and speakers for the program will include Amy Taylor, Melodie Graves, Floyd Anthony, Devlon Jones, and Mercy Murguia.

Photo by Amarillo NAACP

Photo by Amarillo NAACP

Amarillo Weather (January 10-12)

Thornberry Votes Against Agriculture Appropriations Bill