The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: 'Trash Talk' or Real Talk?

Well, it looks like the City of Amarillo was wrong. Again.

On Thursday, trash carts began hitting certain neighborhoods in Amarillo, as the City prepares to remove dumpsters from select neighborhoods. The roll out and project have been controversial, as there has been much debate on both sides about the efficiency and applicability of trash carts for various neighborhoods. Nevertheless, after a unanimous vote by the Amarillo City Council, hundreds of homes in Amarillo are now set to lose their dumpsters, in favor of plastic trash carts.

The thing I noticed about the roll out on Thursday, as did many other people on social media, was that the trash carts along several streets were already blown over or blown into the curb. That’s not a huge surprise, due to the fact that Amarillo is arguably the windiest city in the nation, and has been named such by some national media outlets. But, what I find fascinating is the fact that the City of Amarillo promised citizens the carts could withstand the wind. In fact, on the City’s website, under a tab labeled “Get the Facts,” it says the trash carts won’t blow away and were “designed to withstand the elements.”

I guess they were wrong on that one.

This trash cart roll out has been just like everything else the City of Amarillo touches. The City discourages citizens from listening to critics, whether they are right or wrong, and promises they have all the facts, when actually their facts are usually wrong.

In this case, citizens were asked to “avoid trash talk,” and “get the facts” from the City. Going by the City’s “facts,” the carts would be unaffected by the wind. Going by what’s actually happening, you might want to bolt your trash carts down, because things look like they are going to get ugly.

It likely won’t ever happen, but I would like to hear the City of Amarillo admit its mistakes at least one time. Whether it is the trash issues, the issues at Animal Management & Welfare, or the bizarre rules made up by the City Council for their meetings, the City seems to have a real problem owning up to its mistakes. Instead of running from the issues, it would be nice to see some accountability at City Hall, and an effort to make this right. But, just like the soon-to-be removed dumpsters, when it’s time for accountability, those responsible seem to have a tendency to disappear at City Hall.

-Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

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