The Amarillo Pioneer

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Trump, Jr. to Campaign with Cruz in Wichita Falls

One of President Donald Trump’s three sons will be coming to Texas to campaign with Senator Ted Cruz next month.

On Wednesday, October 3rd, Donald Trump, Jr. will campaign with Cruz in Wichita Falls. The announcement about the rally was made on Wednesday by Representative James Frank. Trump, Jr. and Cruz, according to Frank, will participate in a public rally for Republicans and will take part in a private fundraiser.

The announcement comes as the three candidates for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat - Cruz, Democrat Beto O’Rourke, and Libertarian Neal Dikeman - have begun kicking their campaign into top gear in the final stretch before election day. President Donald Trump had previously announced his plans to campaign with Cruz in Texas at the “biggest stadium” available, although it has not been revealed when that event will take place.

For full information about the event, please visit Representative Frank’s page at

Dugout Suites on Sale for Baseball Stadium

Estrada, Murguia Represent Potter County in D.C.