The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


New Program Launched to Bring Amarillo Voters to Polls

A new program has been launched with the goal of taking Amarillo voters to the polls.

On Thursday night, Voter Lift was unveiled during a meeting at the Amarillo United Citizens Forum. The new program has been developed to coordinate volunteers to drive voters to polling places and back to their homes.

Jerri Glover spoke at the meeting, stating the group is looking for volunteers and applicants to make the program work. Glover also said that the rides will be completely non-partisan, as drivers will not attempt to electioneer to the people taking part in the new program.

"This is a non-partisan ride to the polls. Our volunteers will behave just like we do when we work the polls," Glover said. "We will not try to influence your vote."

The new program is presently planned as a pilot for the 2018 November election. If the program is successful, Glover says that it may continue into other regional elections, like the 2019 municipal election in Amarillo.

If you would like to volunteer to drive or if you would like to schedule a ride, please call 806-410-0608.

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