The Amarillo Pioneer

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WTAMU Football Team to Greet Returning CISD Students

Canyon Independent School District students will receive a special treat on Wednesday when they head back to class.

On Wednesday, officials and players with the West Texas A&M University football team will greet returning students at Canyon ISD campuses. As part of the festivities, the team's practice has been moved to the afternoon in Canyon to allow for players and coaches to greet students at elementary campuses on Wednesday morning.

In a statement, coach Hunter Hughes called the event a tradition and expressed an excitement to greet the Canyon ISD students.

"Welcoming Canyon ISD students back to school has become a tradition for our program and we look forward to it every year, the excitement of starting a new school year and having our players at the front door welcoming them back is fun to watch" Hunter Hughes said in a statement. "It's a great opportunity for our student-athletes to get out in the community and meet the fans that come to Kimbrough on Saturdays in the fall and support us."

Canyon ISD Voters to Decide $200 Million Bond Issue

O'Rourke Campaign Claims Ad Buys in 20 Markets