The Amarillo Pioneer

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City Faces Backlash Over Flag Incident

A backlash sparked earlier this week against the City of Amarillo, as it was discovered that no American flag was being flown outside of City Hall.

In a photo that appears to have originated with the City of Amarillo satire page, the three flag poles in front of City Hall were shown to be flying only the Texas flag and the flag that includes the City of Amarillo logo. No American flag was being flown. The post created backlash from some residents who inquired to City Hall as to why the flag was not being flown.

In a statement, the City of Amarillo responded to the concerns, stating that high winds had broken the flag and that one had been ordered from out of town.

"The City has received several messages with concerns about the status of our American Flag that is flown daily at City Hall," City officials said in a statement on Monday. "The flag was damaged in recent high winds and we currently have a replacement ordered. The Stars and Stripes will fly high and proud as soon as possible to commemorate this great nation."

City officials also went on to say that the flags are typically ordered from vendors in Amarillo but were out of stock at the time of the initial incident. A flag was reportedly received by the City on Tuesday and was replaced.

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