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Trump Says O'Rourke is 'Highly Overrated' During White House Remarks

President Donald Trump weighed in on Texas’ Senate race on Monday during remarks made outside of the White House.

In a small press event, Trump told reporters outside of the White House that Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate, is “highly overrated,” and is not performing well on the campaign trail.

“Beto O’Rourke is highly overrated,” Trump said. “When I first heard about him, I thought he might be a little special. He’s not. I think he got beaten badly in the debates. I think he’s a highly overrated guy.”

Trump also went on to praise Republican incumbent, a former presidential rival, Senator Ted Cruz during his remarks.

“We’ve done great on tax cuts, we’ve done great on regulation cuts,” Trump told reporters. “He’s very terrific.”

Trump made the comments ahead of a planned campaign event for Cruz tonight in Houston. Cruz is currently locked in a re-election battle against O’Rourke and Libertarian Neal Dikeman.

Video of press conference, courtesy of CNN

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