The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


City Council May Assemble at Baseball Coffee Event

The City of Amarillo says a quorum of the Amarillo City Council may gather to be on hand for a baseball coffee event this week.

On Thursday, February 1st, members of the Amarillo City Council may gather for a special Amarillo Baseball Coffee Reception being held at the Amarillo National Bank Building downtown, according to City records. No City of Amarillo will be discussed, except as incidental to discussion or comments with the City Council.

The event is being held in the ANB Skyline Room (410 South Taylor Street) on the 16th floor of the building. The gathering will take place at 9am.

For more information, please visit

Animal Management and Welfare to Close Mondays, Extend Saturday Hours

Amarillo College Students to Visit with University Representatives