The Amarillo Pioneer

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Rosser's Ramblings: Be Kind

By Trent Rosser

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and a friend posted a story about an older lady at a book store that was close to a college. The way the story went, the older lady was buying art supplies for herself and of course talking with the cashier while taking her sweet time. A young man came up, obviously in a rush, with his college books. The older lady looks at him and demands that he put his textbooks on the counter. She said that she will be paying for them. He goes completely white as he stammers that they will cost about $400. She looks at him and says, “It does not matter, you put these books up here right now!” The lady then says that she almost forgot some chocolate bars. Her husband is in the car waiting and he likes chocolate and she piles a load of candy bars as well. She then looks at the young man and ask “Do you like Harry Potter?” He shakes his head yes, still dumbfounded by this crazy ladies generosity, and she places the latest copy of “The Cursed Child” on the counter as well.  The student ask, while fighting back tears, “ Why are you doing this? This is a lot of money.” As the cashier is separating the two orders the old lady says, “It's important to be kind. It's easy to be cruel without meaning to be. You can't know all the times that you’ve hurt someone in a tiny significant way. You cannot do anything about the past, but you can choose to be kind”

The young student hugs the older lady and thanks her again. As he is strolling through the doors, the older lady looks back at the cashier and said "My son is a homeless meth addict. I don’t know what I did. I see that young man, and I see the man that my son could have been if someone had chosen to be kind to him at just the right time. Always be kind."

That story made me think a bit. When was the last time I actually went out of my way to be kind to someone? At the beginning of the year I wrote about changing ways and start complimenting people instead of complaining on them. How about we take it a little farther and be kind to them as well. I understand that not everyone can afford to go buy college textbooks for a student. I am so broke that I could not afford the candy bar, but I can still be kind. Next time I’m at Wal-Mart I could give the older couple the basket that actually rolls correctly, instead of the one that is hard to push. I can push the bad one, or I can look for another cart. Be kind. The homeless person on the street corner, you don’t have to give them money, how about a hot meal from Burger King or any other fast food place. Believe it or not, the simplest things can make a huge difference in someone’s lives.

Here is another example: my other grandparents came down to visit us one day. I was about 12 years old. It was cold and I was sick so I had an old blanket wrapped around me. It was weathered and full of holes. My grandparents were not very well off so my grandmother pulled out all her old pants, cut them up and made a blanket for my brother and myself. Now, imagine the bright colors of the 70’s clothing. That is what the blanket looked like. "The Brady Bunch" kids would have been proud! I actually loved the blanket and kept it for many years. I was in my 30’ when I gave it to my niece. I wanted to keep it in the family. My grandparents were being kind. They did not have the money to buy a blanket, so they made one. Every time I remember that blanket, I picture my grandmother wearing some of those old pants, for some stage reason the Brady Bunch theme song starts playing in my head also!

Just be kind! Here is another idea, when someone almost pulls in front of you as your driving, take a breath and give a little wave and nod of the head. Let them know it is alright. Don’t start cussing and give them the “1 finger” wave. I understand that we cannot change our ways on a dime, no, it will take baby steps. Work on giving the middle finger wave every third time something happens. I also understand that we all have bad days and it's hard to be kind. Days like this are the days that we need to concentrate to be kind and generous. I have realize that the bad days are when we are focused on ourselves and nothing more. This is the crucial time to “get over ourselves” and remember that there are other people that are far worse off than ourselves. Be kind. When you are having the bad days, remember this…. If it wasn’t for the bad days and bad times, then how are you suppose to appreciate the good days and good times.

I also believe that little white lies are good for being kind also. Telling a little boy or girl that Santa and the Easter bunny is real. Sometimes you have to tell a little white lie to build their confidence up. Or just to make them feel better. I did that the other day.  My wife is sick as a dog. Her eyes are puffy, no color in her face and her hair is messed up from sleeping all day. She looked at me and said “I look like crap!” I simply replied “ You look beautiful, Medusa!” That really wasn't a lie, she can look like death warmed over and she will be beautiful to me. Be kind!

When I was younger I was told a few things. Karma is real, what goes around, comes around and it comes around tenfold. I would rather good things come back to me, than bad things. Especially if it is ten times what I put out. As you go about your day, think about how the young student felt when a stranger paid for his textbooks. It was burden from him that he did not need to fret, but now could concentrate on other things. Think about the old lady and how she must have felt and the gratitude to help someone, just by doing one thing. Be kind. It also reminds me of an old 80’s movie and I will close on what Bill and Ted said on their excellent adventure, “Be excellent to each other, and…PARTY ON DUDE”!

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