The Amarillo Pioneer

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City Council Looks for Spending on TXDOT Agreement

The City Council is looking to spend nearly $100,000 during Tuesday night's meeting for an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation.

According to an agenda posted for Tuesday's City Council meeting, the City Council will be approving an item allowing city manager Jared Miller to execute an agreement for the City of Amarillo to spend $87,912.42 on supplemental right-of-way mowing costs for I-40 and I-27. The City will also be approving an item that requires the City to spend $29,304.14 per additional mowing cycle requested by the City Council and performed by TXDOT. 

According to a memo from the City of Amarillo, the item is meant to improve "community appearance." Funding will be sought from the City's Parks budget.

A spokesperson for the City of Amarillo was unavailable for comment as to what amount the of the parks budget the City plans to dedicate to mowing projects throughout the next fiscal year.

For more information about the City Council meeting, please visit

Amarillo Weather (July 21-23)

APD Responds to Shots Fired Call Off of South Western