The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Heavy Rains Produce Friday Floods in Amarillo

Heavy flooding hit Amarillo on Friday following a prolonged rain shower.

On Friday afternoon, beginning at about 4pm, heavy rains hit the Amarillo area. The National Weather Service in Amarillo soon issued a flash flood warning as many drivers became stranded in the heavy rain. The flood's affects on motorists in the area were clearly seen by photographs posted to social media of stranded vehicles. The Amarillo Fire Department provided rescue to several of the incidents.

The flooding and heavy rain fall was also the cause of many power outages throughout the area. According to reports, power outages were seen around Amarillo and at several eateries. Power was later restored on Friday night.

The effects from the storm were prominently seen on Paramount Street. At the Popeye's on Paramount, employees worked to mop up water that had come inside of the building during the flooding. Employees of Malcolm's also did the same, while employees at Pizza Planet closed the establishment during the storm. A line of establishments near Interstate 40 and Western, including Chili's and McAlister's Deli were also severely affected by flash flooding and power outages during the storm.

Hefty Agenda Set for LGC Meeting

Straight-Ticket Voting to be Phased Out in Texas