The Amarillo Pioneer

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Cinergy Agreement Amendment on Council Agenda

An amendment to an economic agreement is on the agenda for the Amarillo City Council, on Tuesday night.

During the City Council's meeting, Council members will discuss and consider an amendment to the Chapter 380 economic development agreement with Cinergy Entertainment Amarillo, Inc. According to a short summary of the amendment, Cinergy is requesting an extension of the deadline for the completion of improvements.

The initial agreement with Cinergy was approved by the City Council, in 2015, by a 3-2 vote with Mayor Paul Harpole and Councilmember Brian Eades voting against.

Also on the agenda, the City Council will consider an amendment to the municipal budget, several rezoning ordinances and several new contractual agreements.

The meeting of the Amarillo City Council will be held on Tuesday, April 4th in the Council Chambers of Amarillo City Hall (509 SE 7th Avenue).

The meeting will begin at 7pm.

Rosser's Ramblings: Love Story

Seliger Votes Against SB 3