The Amarillo Pioneer

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AISD Diversity Study Item Dies During Meeting

An AISD Board of Trustees agenda item regarding a district diversity study and diversity training failed to pass during Monday's board meeting.

During the meeting, AISD Trustee James Allen made a motion to approve an agenda item related to a district diversity study and diversity training. None of Allen's fellow board members would second the motion, as all the board members explained their opposition to the item.

Trustees Jim Austin, John Ben Blanchard, Eric Darnell, Scott Flow, and Renee McCown opposed the passage of the item. Trustee John Betancourt was not in attendance at the meeting, due to a family emergency.

Following the item's defeat, the Amarillo Education Foundation issued a statement on Facebook, describing the events of the evening and informing the public of the foundation's support for the diversity study and training.

In other meeting business, Amarillo ISD Trustees voted to approve the AISD District of Innovation plan, with Trustee Allen voting against the proposal. The item passed by a margin of 5-1.

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