The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Water Leak Reported in Downtown Amarillo

A water leak in downtown Amarillo caused gallons of water to be wasted on Monday morning.

On Monday, witnesses called the City of Amarillo when what appeared to be a water leak was spotted near Lincoln Street and Southwest 15th Avenue in Amarillo. The water appeared to be flowing from underneath 15th Avenue, likely signaling a line break underneath the street.

About an hour after witnesses first spotted the leak, City of Amarillo Water Distribution staff were on scene to work on the issues.

There is no word on whether City crews stopped the ongoing leak downtown.

Water Leak.png

Amarillo Weather (December 11-13)

Emergency Crews Respond to Large Fire in South Amarillo