The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


NCAA Taps WTAMU for National Championship Appearance

West Texas A&M University has been chosen to compete in the NCAA Division II Men's Cross Country National Championship on November 18th.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association announced yesterday that WTAMU has been selected to compete in the championship. The Buffs were awarded an at-large bid into the race, along with several other schools.

In total, thirty-two teams will be competing in the championship.

For fans of the WTAMU team, live streams of the event will be available on offers a monthly membership fee of $19.99 or an annual price of $150.

For more information, visit

Likely MPEV Contractor Donated to Nelson, Council Supporters

Bulls to Host Topeka Next Week