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Amarillo College Student Trip Opened to Continuing Ed Students

Continuing education students may be eligible to go on an upcoming student trip at Amarillo College.

According to information released by Amarillo College, continuing education students enrolled in the Selected Study in Literature course for Amarillo College's spring semester will be able to attend the Amarillo College Paris trip in 2018. The continuing education students enrolled in that course will have the option to attend the trip, as will students enrolled in other selected courses.

Courses being included in the trip's planning include: 

  • Speech: “An American Business in Paris” with Courtney Milleson

  • Art History: “Voulez-vous Musee avec moi (ce soir)?” with Stephanie Jung

  • English: “Vive la Freshman Comp I” with Becky Easton

  • English (Comp II): “Prose, Poetry, and Paris” with Becky Easton

  • English: “Selected Study in Literature” with Becky Easton

  • Humanities: “La Belle Epoque: Arts and Music in Paris” with Dr. Diego Caetano

The cost of attendance for the trip is around $3,500 for academic students and in the neighborhood of $3,700 for continuing education students.

The trip will take place from March 9th until March 15th.

For additional requirements or for enrollment information, visit

Photo by Billy Hathorn, Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Billy Hathorn, Wikimedia Commons

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