The Amarillo Pioneer

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Canyon PD Sets "Course of Action" on Juvenile Mischief

Following reports of "problem" with juvenile activity on Canyon's town square, the Canyon Police Department has launched a "course of action" to deal with any issues that may arise.

An unnamed official for the Canyon Police Department released a statement this afternoon on the department's official Facebook account, detailing juvenile mischief that has reportedly taken place on Canyon's town square.

In the statement from the Police Department, officers cite the number of kids "hanging around" the town square on Wednesday and Friday afternoons as a reason for the course of action. The statement said that kids are making "small purchases" at the Soda Shop and Cake Company which is "healthy for any business" but the proceeds may not be "worth the headache." Kids on the square have reportedly almost hit older residents with scooters, thrown scooters at Johnston's Hardware and have blocked sidewalks.

Officials wrote that the department has taken a course of action that will include posting a school resource officer on the square "when needed." Officers have begun reaching out to parents of children who spend time on the town square to set "expectations and parameters." Police also plan to call parents to remove children who cause problems on the square.

The department says it will take "less adverse enforcement action" on juvenile offenders unless there are repeat offenders or the incident requires "more aggressive enforcement action."

It is unclear who wrote the statement for the Canyon Police Department, however, it has remained on the official social media site for the department.

For more information, visit the Canyon Police Department Facebook at

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