The Amarillo Pioneer

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Lisa Blake Will Not Seek New Term on City Council

Councilmember Lisa Blake will not be seeking re-election to her seat on the Amarillo City Council.

Blake, who was appointed in August to fulfill the unexpired term of Dr. Brian J. Eades on the Amarillo City Council, announced that she would not be seeking the office in the upcoming May 6th election. Blake did however, say that she would be supporting Freda Powell to take the place 2 seat in the upcoming election.

Blake is the director of Leadership Amarillo & Canyon. Blake was chosen as a finalist for the position in June of 2016, along with John Ingerson, James F. Lowder, Sandra McCartt, and Tom Warren II. Blake was chosen as the sole finalist in August, after participating in a lengthy interview process.

In the lead up to the election, Blake had already drawn one challenger. Insurance provider James Schenck, famously known as "Amarillo's SOB," had announced his intent to seek Blake's position, using the motto "Make Amarillo Even Greater."

If Powell runs for place 2, it will set up a race between Schenck and Powell, with time for more candidates to enter.

Interested candidates can pick up an application at the Amarillo city secretary's office. Applications for the office can be filed until February 17th.

Election day in May 6th.

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