The Amarillo Pioneer

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Capitol Christmas Trees Arrive in Austin

The Christmas trees that will appear in the halls of the Texas Capitol Building arrived in Austin, yesterday.

Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott was there to receive the trees on their arrival. The three trees will be distributed between the Texas House, the Texas Senate, and the Governor's Mansion.

"It is indeed the most wonderful and magical time of the year, and these beautiful Texas-grown Christmas trees will bring joy and cheer to all who visit the Texas Capitol this season," the First Lady said in a press release from the Governor's office.

The seven foot-tall Christmas trees are from Spring Creek Growers, a family-owned farm in Montgomery County. Carla Jones, owner of Spring Creek Growers and President of the Texas Christmas Tree Growers Association, delivered the trees by horse-drawn carriage.

The House and Senate Chambers will also feature 25-foot trees, which arrived in Austin, earlier this week.

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